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XTM Academy

TM experts guide for migrating translations from other TMS vendors


For more information consult the translation memory guide.

  • MANDATORY - Wait for an activation email confirming that the project manager has created your user account with the TM expert role.


    Alternatively, contact the project manager for confirmation.

  • MANDATORY - Contact the project manager and ensure that they have added at least one customer to XTM.

  • MANDATORY - Verify that the segmentation rules are the same in the other TMS package.


    By default XTM segments by sentences. This rule can be customized. However, segmenting by methods other than sentences will remove ICE context matching capabilities, and will make it harder for linguists to perform their translations since longer segments are more difficult to translate and review.

    • If the segmentation rules are the same then import the translations (I.e import translation memory).

    • If the segmentation rules are not the same then consider the following choices :

      • Import the translations as a point of reference (fuzzy matches) for translators.


        As an option the Administrator can enable the auto-fill of fuzzy-match trabslations using this procedure. This is a global setting that applies to all projects.

        More information can be found here.

      • Reach out to your XTM point of contact in order to change XTM segmentation rules to match the segmentation rules of the other TMS package. Then import the translations.


        ICE matches will no longer work with this option, but leveraged matches will.

      • Use Excel or XTM to manually migrate the translations.

Importing Translations (Translation Memory)


There is a maximum file size limitation of 550MB for each import. To import larger files either zip/compress them or please speak with your XTM point of contact.

Importing translation memory

Translation memories can be imported into XTM from:

  • TMX

  • XLS

  • XLSX

  • single language XLIFF file


For the best results, we recommend using the TMX v 4b format.


Importing a TM file with empty source or target records
  1. A source segment with no matching text in the corresponding target cell will not be uploaded.

  2. A target segment with no matching text in the corresponding source segment will not be uploaded.

  3. Empty source and corresponding empty target cells will not be uploaded.

  1. Go to TM tab > TM import.

  2. Select Customer.

  3. Specify the Import project name.

  4. Select the source and target languages.

  5. Specify the Import or set approved/not approved status. Select from the dropdown:

    1. Set as approved

    2. Set as not approved

    3. Import statuses and set as approved if missing

    4. Import statuses and set as not approved if missing

  6. Select the preferred options for Whitespace in TM. Matching is affected by the differences in whitespace processing.

  7. Optionally: Select the checkbox to Import alt-trans elements from the XLIFF file if you wish to import the matching data that is stored in your XLIFF file.

  8. Optionally: Select checkbox to Import segments with the same source and target. Select if you want to import translation units that have the same source and target texts.

  9. Upload the file you wish to import.

  10. Select the Import button.

A new record in the import history section is created that displays the status of the import. The status changes from In progress to Done when the import is finished.


TM import main window


Import history

Translation Memory Import Field Reference
  • Customer.

  • Import Project Name:

    • Arbitrary name given to this task for historical tracking purposes.

  • Source Language.

  • Target Language.

  • Import or set approved/not approved status:

    • Determines how each TM entry will be deemed as approved within XTM once it has been imported. The options are the following:

      • Set as Not Approved.

      • Set as Approved.

      • Import statuses and set as approved where missing.

      • Import statuses and set as not approved where missing.

  • Whitespace in TM:

  • Warning

    You can choose to keep or remove whitespace characters as required. This might affect the matching score (therefore it is recommended to keep all-white spaces).

    • The following options are available:

      • Remove leading and trailing spaces.

      • Remove redundant inner whitespace.

      • Remove redundant inner, leading and training whitespace.

      • Keep all whitespace.

  • Import alt-trans elements from XLIFF file:

    • Allows the ability to import TM Matches for XLIFF segments that contain translatable elements.

    • The xliff translateable (alt-trans) elements are defined here.

  • Import segments with the same source and target:

    • Decide if you want to import translation units that have the same source and target texts. (i.e choose to import all units whose translation is the same as the segment source text.)

  • Set tags for imported TM.Tags

  • Extract bilingual terminology:

    • Using an internal AI engine, suggested terminology terms can be extracted by the TM import that can be approved later by a terminologist to validate the term candidates during terminology/glossary import process.

  • Import file:

    • Select the browse button to locate the file you wish to import