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XTM Academy

Project advanced search
  • The project's advanced search feature can be used for one of two reasons:

    • Filter/shorten the list of projects shown in the Project List view/tab.

    • Filter criteria for the generation of reports via the Actions menu, which is described here.

  • The advanced search feature can be opened by following this procedure.

  • The filters created in the advanced search can be saved as a Project Filter for later use. This is done by clicking the Save as Project Filter button located near the middle and to the left of the Advanced Search page.

Example 1: Determining which jobs are behind schedule
  • Scenario: You need to provide a weekly report to management on any marketing translations that are behind schedule.

    1. Using the Advanced Search, you limit the projects within your project list to only those that have been created under your Marketing customer.

    2. You further pair down your project list by including only projects with a due date in the past month and only projects that are active.

    3. You then select the Actions tab and run the Project Delivery Dates report which generates for you an excel report which includes all projects, due dates, and workflow step status' for each file across all of your projects that you can provide to your management team.

    4. For ease of use and because this is a report you provide weekly, you also decide to save this as a Project Filter so next week you only need to select this filter rather than input the same project parameters each time.