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XTM Academy

Assigning machine translation vendor(s) to your XTM application


For information on the key features of Machine Translation within XTM, please consult our MT guide.

  1. From the top most menu in XTM, click on Configuration.

  2. Just below and to the left click on Settings.

  3. From the left hand side menu, click on Translation located near the bottom.

  4. Go to the top of the screen that just appears and click on the Machine Translation tab.

  5. Check off the Machine Translation engines that the application will use.


    Only the first 5 selected vendors will be used by XTM.

  6. Configure each MT Engine selected in the previous step, individually, with the following info:


    As you scroll down the page, a unique section for each MT engine will appear where the configuration per engine can be set.

    1. Enter the subscription information for each MT Engine selected in the previous step, as provided to you by the vendor of the Machine Translation engine.

    2. OPTIONAL - Configure any custom MT Engine settings provided by the individual MT Vendor. Use this guide for a more detailed explanation.


      These settings can be overwritten at the Customer and Project level as described here.

    3. OPTIONAL - Check the default setting check box. if selected this MT engine will be activated for every new project that is created. A project can contain multiple MT Engines.

  7. OPTIONAL - Configure the General Machine Translation Settings located in the General options section near the top of the page. Use this as a guide.Machine translation options


    These settings can be overwritten at the Customer and Project level as described here.