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XTM Academy

Setting TM auto-fill criteria


A detailed reference on TM AutoFill can be found here.

All items below are set in the TM configuration screens.

  1. Set AutoFill based on ICE Matches by selecting the appropriate option in the Populate target with match drop-down located in the ICE matches section.Translation Memory (TM) AutoFill Field Reference - ICE Matches


    Auto Fill for ICE Matches is enabled by default. This option takes precedence over all others if multiple match types exist.

  2. Set Auto fill based on Leveraged Matches by selecting the appropriate option in the Populate target with match drop down located in the Leveraged matches section.Translation Memory (TM) AutoFill Field Reference - Leveraged Matches


    Auto Fill for Leveraged Matches (Only if inlines are the same) is enabled by default. This option takes precedence over all others, except for ICE matches, if multiple match types exist.

  3. OPTIONAL - Set Auto fill based on Fuzzy Matches, by selecting the appropriate option in the Populate target with match drop down located in the Fuzzy matches section.Translation Memory (TM) Auto Fill Field Reference - Fuzzy Matches


    Auto Fill for Fuzzy Matches is disabled by default. This option is last in precedence if multiple match types exist.


    This type of Auto Fill is useful for continuously updated projects and files where tight deadlines exist such as having to release a product quickly.

    It also minimizes the work of a translator who can then easily detect the minor changes

  4. OPTIONAL - Set Auto fill based on Fuzzy Repeats, by selecting the appropriate option in the Populate target with match drop down located in the Fuzzy Repeats section.Translation Memory (TM) Auto Fill Field Reference - Fuzzy Matches


    These types of matches are useful to give the linguists a starting point based on similar segments in the same file that were just translated. Depending on the fuzzy match it could save them time to simply modify the auto populated fuzzy match rather than force them to select the fuzzy match (more clicks) or to start from scratch.

    Repeat fuzzy matches are applied if that given segment has no specific TM matches (ICE, Leveraged, or Fuzzy).