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XTM Academy

Set display limits of TM matches in XTM Workbench (linguists view)


All items below are set in the TM configuration screens.

  1. Set the number of ICE Matches to display in Workbench in the Number of matches to display drop down located in the ICE matches section.


    The default value is 3. The range of selections is between 1 and 3.

  2. Set the number of Leveraged Matches to display in Workbench in the Number of matches to display drop down located in the Leveraged matches section.


    The default value is 3. The range of selections is between 1 and 5.

  3. Set the Fuzzy Match ranges to display in Workbench in the Show portion in the Fuzzy Match section.


    The default is to show all fuzzy matches in the ranges of 75-84%, 85-94%, 95-99%. Any one of these ranges gone be disabled in the drop-down associated with any of these ranges.

  4. Set the number of Fuzzy Matches to display in Workbench in the Number of matches to display drop-down in the Fuzzy Match section.


    The default value is 3. The range of selections is between 0 and 5.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for Fuzzy Repeats.