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XTM Academy

Setting the workflow state of projects when existing content is updated
  • By default when existing content is updated, the content is reanalyzed and the project resumes at the workflow step that was active when the content was updated.

  • Optionally the reanalysis can reset the workflow to the beginning (i.e the first step). This option is universal and will apply to all projects.

    The workflow for the updated content can either be available in the workflow step that was active when the content was added, or the workflow can be reset to the beginning. This behavior is based on the system-level configuration "Automatically restart workflow when source files are updated" which can be found under Configuration > Settings > Workflow > Workflow Options.

  • To change this setting perform the following:

    1. From the top most menu in XTM click on Configuration then Settings.

    2. From the left-hand side, menu click on the Workflow tab.

    3. From the ensuing frame click on the Workflow Options tab.

    4. Check the Automatically restart workflow when source files are updated box and click the Save button.