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XTM Academy

Starting a Project

A project can be started both:

  1. Automatically from the project template.


    Only the specific role of Project Manager can create a project template and configure the auto-start feature, but any of the project manager role types can use the auto-starting feature of project templates

  2. Manually . This is obligatory for any project not linked to a project template.

Automatically starting a project from a project template

To start a project automatically from a project template follow these steps:

  1. From the top most menu click on the Projects tab.

  2. Then click on the Templates tab.

  3. Double click on any Project Template from the list to modify it.

  4. From the left-hand side menu, click the Workflow tab.

  5. Check the Automatically Start the Project check box.

Every project assigned to this project template will automatically start once the files uploaded into this project are analyzed.


Files are analyzed the moment they are uploaded into the project.

Files are also analyzed the moment the project is manually reanalyzed.

Manually starting a project from the project editor

Projects which are not linked to a project template need to be started manually.


Linguists need to be assigned to all workflow steps in a project, prior to starting it.

The project needs to be saved first.

To manually start a project follow these steps:

  1. From the project editor, click on the Workflow tab located on the left-hand side menu.

  2. From the main window, scroll to the bottom and click the green Start button.