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XTM Academy

Project close and re-activation
  • A project will "close" automatically within XTM as soon as the workflow for all steps and languages within the project is completed. These can be reopened and the workflow made active again until the project is archived.

  • In XTM, by default, a project is automatically archived after either 5 days from workflow completion or 15 days of project inactivity by any user (including linguists). These times can be modified by XTM Support. This will impact all open and new projects within your XTM instance. Please be aware that the longer projects remain active, the more server resources are being used and thus could eventually impact system performance.

  • A project that has been archived can be reactivated at any point in time by going to the project hamburger menu, selecting actions, and then choosing to reactivate project. This will allow full use of the project. You can also reopen the project via the same hamburger > actions menu, which will reactivate the last step in the project workflow for all languages.

  • As a general note, when projects are archived the project files are zipped to save storage. The project files remain zipped until the project is reactivated or is moved to deep storage. Project files are typically moved to deep storage when they have remained archived for more than one year. These projects can still be reactivated, but will need to be done by XTM support.

  • Example Use Case: I often receive feedback from our Sales teams in other countries for our translations that need to be incorporated into the final document. As reviewing translations is not their primary responsibility, we have agreed that we will allow them 30 days to review the translations before the project is automatically close. To accomplish this, I have modified my system settings so that projects automatically close after 30 days of inactivity rather than the default 15. However, it is still possible that I may receive feedback months later that an urgent error was found in the translations. When I recieve this feedback, I reactivate the project and reopen the workflow which allows the Sales team to update the translations as needed. This automatically creates the updated version of the document while also updating the Translation Memory with the fix.