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XTM Academy

Administrators' guide to setting up terminologies checklist


For an explanation of Terminologies (Glossary) in XTM please consult this guide.

Optimize term display speeds in XTM Workbench.
  1. Open the Terminology administration window using the instructions indicated here.

  2. Go to the Terminology Engines section.

  3. Check Match terms in analysis: This optimizes Terminology processing for larger terminology files.


    Consult this guide on Optimizing Terminologies for more details.

Add custom fields


For more information on custom fields please consult this guide.


This function is performed by an Administrator.

Data – Custom fields – Terminology custom fields
  1. Go to Configuration > Data > Custom fields > Terminology custom fields.

  2. Select the Add button and enter a field name.

  3. Choose one type:

    1. Checkbox

    2. Date

    3. Dropdown: enter a list of values

    4. Multiple selection: enter a list of values

    5. Number

    6. Text field

  4. Select Save.


TBX name refers to the term property when it is exported to a TBX file. The concept or term radio buttons enable you to define where the field should be displayed. The Active checkbox allows you to activate or deactivate this custom field.

Create tags
  1. Add a tag group. The tag group will contain tags.Tags


    Example: The tag group is product_X. Product_X contains a web app, mobile apps, technical documentation and marketing materials. Therefore the tags added to this tag group will refer to these four items.

    1. Go to Configuration > Data > Tags > Tags.

    2. Select the Add button.

    3. In the Create tag group popup:

      • In the Tag group section:

        • in the Tag group text field, enter the tag group name.

        • optional - In the All customers checkbox, uncheck this box to select specific customers this group applies to.


          Uncheck this box only if the number of tag groups becomes so big that you need to reduce the number of tags that are available to projects for easier selection.

  2. Add tags to this tag group:

    1. in the Tags section create the individual tag by typing in its name.

    2. optional - In the All customers checkbox, uncheck this box to select specific customers this tag applies to.


      By default the tag is available to all customers configured for the tag group this belongs to.

    3. repeat steps a and b for each tag.

    4. Click on the save button when done.

Data — Tags — Term penalty profiles

You can apply a penalty to term matches.

Adding a new term penalty profile
  1. Go to Configuration > Data > Tags > Term penalty profiles.

  2. Select the Add button.

  3. Enter a penalty profile name and optionally a description.

  4. Select the check box to make it active.

  5. Select a tag group, operator, and term tags. The only penalty available is to remove the term and it will not be highlighted in XTM Workbench.

  6. Select Save.